In Which I get a lot more shoes (But Not Loafers, This Time)

considering that wintertime will be here any moment (I’m told, although it was 80 degrees in Chicago on Monday), I need, as usual, a lot more shoes. maybe “need” is too strong of a word; maybe I’m trying to find something like “hankering for” or “appetency”. Anyway, I found these on eBay: only $50! Which is good in these times of economic uncertainty, right?

I am also havering over these, which are a lot a lot more expensive, but still more affordable on Amazon than anywhere else:

And what seems like months ago, but was only weeks, I’m sure, I gotten these, also low-cost ($80! For leather boots!) on eBay:

The calves were a bit too snug, but that’s no problem — I took them to my shoe person and he put little gussets in on either side of the zipper. It took him about a week (plus I had to go in for a “fitting” once he had the new bits inserted, to make sure they were exactly right). now they fit perfectly, and it was only $50 to get them that way. considering I’ve never, ever seen black leather boots I liked for under $250 (and thus have never, ever gotten any) I feel pretty good about these!

All of these have heels under about 2″, which is good, walking-wise … since, after the collapse of civilization (ANY DAY NOW) I will be walking southward to avoid the zombies and/or cannibals.

So with one new pair of black shoes (okay, two pairs — I gotten a pair of Faryl Robins on sale at DSW — marked down to $40! — that I haven’t taken a picture of yet), possibly one pair of wine, and a pair of black boots (plus I have brown J. crew boots from last year that I gotten at a thrift store for $7) I must be all set for autumn (if it ever gets here) and winter. So don’t look for any a lot more shoe articles from me until AT least April. Right? Right.

Posts about *tights*, though …

More sale notices: Holly at Lucite Box vintage is having a sale: 10% off anything until October 20th with the voucher code ATCOLORS. Holly (or rather, her charming apartment) is also featured on the splendid blog apartment or condo Therapy, for their fall colors contest — click here to check it out (and leave a comment)!

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Moths in the Pocketbook [caution: long entry]July 2, 2007
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While I’m thinking about fall fashion MagazinesAugust 31, 2010With 27 comments

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photography by Melanie Riccardi   SWEATER: Bailey 44 (also here) |  SKIRT: J. team (very similar right here as well as here)  |  SANDALS: c/o Ann Taylor  |  SUNGLASSES: Anine