Vogue 5121: Girl’s night Out

Birgit sent me the link to this ages back — I can’t believe it’s still offered at her shop. Don’t these women look out for a great time?  They all look packed for bear, however my money is on the brunette in teal. 

I believe view D is the prettiest gown — even in fundamental black. 

The fundraising event is still going strong — remember, if we hit $1200 by Christmas, there’s a new trick Lives story coming! as well as there are still 3 or 4 prepublication copies of trick Lives up for grabs for the next few donors … 




Remember to vote of what you want to see in the story:


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Secret Lives of gowns Vol. 8September 13, 2006
Secret Lives of gowns #14March 27, 2008With 80 comments
Fear of the concern of FailureMay 1, 2008

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