Drabble #2

Whenever I’m feeling lonesome or exhausted there’s always something I remember. It’s not much, but it doesn’t really take much. She was walking home with him after the campus meeting, and he asked her for a date, for next Friday night. “Wear that dress,” he said. “I like it.” She did wear me, of course (who turns down a command performance?) and then on two much more dates, after. then she met Frank, and Frank didn’t like me as much. That’s okay; I didn’t like Frank. but if I concentrate, I can hear him again. “Wear that dress. I like it.”

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The secret Histories of Dresses, pt. 1December 27, 2005
Secret Lives of dresses #14March 27, 2008With 80 comments
The secret Lives of Dresses, Vol. 6August 8, 2006

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