And We’re Back!

exactly how do you like the new place? (Thanks with sprinkles as well as additional frosting to David as well as Brenna for their assist in bring all the boxes. Do you buy beer as well as pizza for people who assist you move blogs?)

Let me understand if you see any type of wonky stuff; right now I understand that a couple of the ads are out of date as well as that the classification tags didn’t rather make it (I’m sure they’re in a box around right here SOMEWHERE). I’ll unpack those soon. I’m likewise not sure exactly how your blog writer identities will or won’t transfer over; if you have difficulty Being You, let me know!

In the meantime, exactly how do you like the material I bought a couple weeks ago? Yes, that *is* yardage of the liberty “Mark” utilized in Target’s recent liberty line. No, I don’t understand why it was at a semi-random material store, however I’m not arguing! 


What else did I do on my blog-cation? I likewise made five Heidis in one day. Yeah. That was nuts. I’ll have photos of them up soon … 

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Fear of the fear of FailureMay 1, 2008
I believed you should knowNovember 20, 2007
Moths in the Pocketbook [caution: long entry]July 2, 2007

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