Comic con gowns Are the very best gowns

Kristen is a very, extremely lucky person. first of all, she was lucky enough to find this fabric on eBay:

Then, she was lucky enough to go to Comic Con, which I have always wished to do … not just for the comics, but for the clothes. I imply costumes. Whatever.

And finally, she (naturally) chose that a trip to Comic con needed a new dress, and made this one:

Hmm, possibly now that I believe about this, it might not be luck — it’s starting to look suspiciously like good planning and hard work … which is even much more impressive!

You ought to completely go inspect out Kristen’s blog) to see the side and back views and the remarkable red shoes she selected to choose the dress, too.

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A Comic-Con PostJuly 25, 2011In “Comic Con”
ComicCon dressAugust 3, 2007
Rules for gowns at Weddings (not guidelines for wedding event Dresses)May 30, 2005With 219 comments

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